"KI-Transfer-Hub Schleswig-Holstein" sucht Mitarbeiter:innen Aktuell arbeitet die WTSH am Aufbau ihres Teams für den KI-Hub, der mit insgesamt 3 Millionen Euro gefördert ist.
Coding.Waterkant Hackathon - Introduction 3: SprottenFlotte Over the next few weeks we will introduce you all out there to our partners for the Coding.Waterkant Hackathon which will take place on 5 and 6 June. Without our partners from various sectors and with different backgrounds the Hackathon would not be possible - so thank you all
Coding.Waterkant Hackathon - Introduction 2: Windfinder Over the next few weeks we will introduce you all out there to our partners for the Coding.Waterkant Hackathon which will take place on 5 and 6 June. Without our partners from various sectors and with different backgrounds the Hackathon would not be possible - so thank you all
Coding.Waterkant Hackathon - Introduction 1: ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics Over the next few weeks we will introduce you all out there to our partners for the Coding.Waterkant Hackathon which will take place on 5 and 6 June. Without our partners from various sectors and with different backgrounds the Hackathon would not be possible - so thank you all
opencampus realisiert KI-unterstützte Auswertung für BMBF-Projekt an der Uni Mannheim Im Rahmen des mit zwei Millionen Euro finanzierten Projektes wird eine computergestützte Bürosimulation umgesetzt, um insbesondere die Ausbildung in kaufmännischen Berufen zu unterstützen.
Coding.Waterkant Hackathon Coding Waterkant: Online-Hackathon für alle KI-Interessierten mit Programmiererfahrung, Data Scientists oder Machine Learning Engineers!
Process and learnings of a NLP project with SpaCy A few days ago I started a new NLP project. The goal of the project is to be able to automatically evaluate and classify content of texts, which are collected in the context of larger surveys. There are two different levels of complexity that I see in this problem. Complexity