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New Course on Cutting-Edge GAN Techniques at opencampus.sh

Applications are open until April 11 for this course, whose content was compiled by researchers from Stanford University.
New Course on Cutting-Edge GAN Techniques at opencampus.sh

The course is given by Sharon Zhou, who teaches the course on Generative Adversarial networks at Stanford University and composed the corresponding online course at Coursera that is the basis for the course.

At opencampus.sh Henrik Horst will be the instructor and guide through the course. He studied electrical engineering at the RWTH Aachen after that also for a short time at EPFL Lausanne in Switzerland and is now finishing his Masters Degree here in Kiel. A few semesters ago he started to get interested in artificial intelligence, and since then he has gained knowledge in wide variety of machine learnig topics.

Find out more about the course details and how to apply here.