Coding.Waterkant Coding Camp

Bring your own Machine Learning project or join others, and soak in the knowledge. It's all about learning, networking, and building new ideas together!

Dive into a week of coding, creativity, and collaboration! Since 2020, the Coding.Waterkant coding camp has been the highlight of our community’s activities—our unique event where coding enthusiasts from all backgrounds gather for a week of intensive, project-focused work along the scenic coast.

Imagine a space where you can set aside daily distractions and dive into meaningful projects, supported by workshops, all-inclusive meals, social gatherings, and comfortable accommodations. The Coding.Waterkant Coding Camp provides an inspiring environment to work on cutting-edge projects while forging connections with a vibrant, like-minded community.

Join us to learn, create, and be part of something bigger. Dive into a week that could reshape your perspective, expand your network, and inspire your next big project!

Explore the upcoming Coding.Waterkant Coding Camp.

Opportunities for Companies

For Employees: Our Coding Camp is an ideal Bildungsurlaub (educational leave) opportunity, allowing employees to step away from daily routines and dive deep into a specific topic. Companies can send their teams to this immersive retreat to develop new skills, gain fresh perspectives, and engage with a community of innovators.

Sponsorship & Talent Access: Support Coding.Waterkant as a sponsor and gain direct access to our enthusiastic talent pool. This sponsorship not only makes the event possible but also positions your company as an active participant in fostering tech innovation and community engagement.

Contact us to explore your possibilities.