AI Hackathon of May 2019 was a success!

On the 25. and 26. of May 2019 we have organized a Hackathon at the starterkitchen in Kiel. More than 20 people came on saturday morning and worked for 24 hours on their coding ideas. Topics of the AI Hackathon were sales predictions based on weather data and visualization of these predictions in an interactive webfrontend.
First the participants presented their ideas and had to form teams. After that they got some introductions in tools they could use for their work like Chart.js or R Shiny. Then the teams started their work and got used to their new tools pretty fast.
We had soup for lunch on saturday and ordered some pizzas in the evening. On top of that we had not only crisps but also lots of fresh fruits and vegetables the participants could eat.
On sunday we had amazing final presentations. Every group achieved their goal and was able to show amazing data visualizations. All in all it was a great event and we will definitely do it again. We invite you to take part in the next Hackathon!
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